Titan: Ride the Tides Through the Throat of Kraken - NASA JPL Space Travel Poster
Par Space Travel
The Visions of the Future posters, from the NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, promote travel to planets and moons. This poster depicts boats rowing across the frigid ethane riv
ers of Titan. With the caption: "Ride the Tides through the Throat of Kraken."
"Frigid and alien, yet similar to our own planet billions of years ago, Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, has a thick atmosphere, organic-rich chemistry and a surface shaped by rivers and lakes of liquid ethane and methane. Cold winds sculpt vast regions of hydrocarbon-rich dunes. There may even be cryovolcanoes of cold liquid water. NASA’s Cassini orbiter was designed to peer through Titan’s perpetual haze and unravel the mysteries of this planet-like moon."
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